BHF available to comment on NHI, MSA and fraud waste abuse
The Southern African Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) is available to comment on critical
issues facing the healthcare sector including the Medical Schemes Amendment (MSA) Bill
and the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill which are currently under review.
The BHF supports the principles of Universal Health Coverage and NHI as a vehicle to
achieve this coverage. We welcome the long overdue MSA Bill and the NHI Bill. As the
industry is about to go through massive transformation, we believe the sector has a role to
play due to our vast pool of knowledge, expertise and infrastructure.
Fraud waste and abuse in the system is estimated to cost the industry 22 billion. This is
money meant to be used to access benefits for members. As an industry, through
collaboration, we are committed to eradicate fraud waste and abuse in the system.
It is estimated that at least 10% to 15% of all claims are fraudulent, abusive or wasteful in
nature. We as BHF note that due to the escalating costs of healthcare system, many are not
able to access affordable, quality health services. The BHF is seeking ways to contain the
costs such as the recently conducted Health Market Inquiry, coordinated care, the review of
Prescribed Minimum Benefits process, alternative reimbursement models, the introduction of
primary care and preventative packages, and increased emphasis on how the quality of care
can be increased.
BHF is also available to comment on what will happen to the medical schemes, the role of
the medical schemes and on fraud waste abuse system with the media. Fraud waste and
abuse in the system is estimated to cost the industry R22 billion each year. This is money
meant to be used to access benefits for members. As such, we are committed to eradicate
fraud, waste and abuse in the system through collaborative industry interventions.
Note to editors: The BHF is a representative body of the healthcare funding industry. BHF
members include medical schemes, administrators and managed care organisations
throughout the Southern African region.
For more information and interviews contact:
Nhlanhla Kubeka
frayintermedia: Account manager
Tel: +27 11 888 0140
Cell: +27 79 847 8975