PPN – Celebrating 30 Years of Innovation and Exemplary Service Delivery to our Contracted Medical Aids and their Members.
What sets us apart from our competitors:
We continue to find solutions to high-cost medical inflation making optical benefits attractive to members and cost effective to medical aids.
We have our own tariff and coding system, consisting of just 400 codes which remains the most effective coding system to control fraud in the industry.
We do not sell the right to our codes or dictate the mark up that wholesalers make on their product.
Our price points for basic clear lenses that form part and parcel of each benefit design are the most cost effective in the industry.
Our approach has always been to place more emphasis on professional fee increases whilst reducing the mark up on materials – Spectacle frames and clear lenses.
Our benefit design has adopted the Minister of Health’s appeal that all benefit options should have a Universal Design.
Not only do we have the most sophisticated fraud controls in the optical industry, but we continue to add innovative applications and technologies.
Eyepath has introduced cutting edge AI technology that allows for more accurate referrals between optometry and ophthalmology – is a unique tool to assist with the identification of 18 bio markers including Diabetes, Hypertension and AMD thereby allowing schemes to manage the health status of their members, reducing future costs arising from unmonitored or unidentified health outcomes.
Email us on: management@ppn.co.za to set up an appointment and presentation