Awards Criteria:

1.    Titanium Award for Excellence in Creating Access to Quality Healthcare

Entrants will be adjudicated according to the following criteria:

  • This category is open to all medical schemes and healthcare service providers, including laboratories, pharmaceutical organisations and private practices.
  • Nomination must be made by the nominee organisation and approved by the head of that organisation.
  • The entry must include written consent from the project head and the head of the organisation.
  • The nomination must consist of a motivation covering the following areas:
  • Detailed description of the initiative
  • Proof of ethical conduct, where applicable
  • Overview of the practical achievements of the project:
    o Healthcare impact
    o Contribution to social & economic development of the targeted population
    o Evidence of before and after effects of the project

o Evidence of sustainability of the project
o Recognition of awards or commendations received, where applicable
o Press releases and media coverage of the project, where applicable
o Key contributors and or personnel working on the project and their background


2.     Titanium Award for Best Integrated Report: Health Funders/Medical Schemes

Entrants will be adjudicated according to the following criteria:

  • An annual integrated report by organisations (BHF Member)

Who is eligible?

  • Any BHF member who is a health funder.



3.     Titanium Award for Best Integrated Report: Corporates in Healthcare (New Category)

Entrants will be adjudicated according to the following criteria:

  • An annual integrated report by organisations (not a health funder).

Who is eligible?

  • Open to all organisations involved directly in healthcare (and not a health funder).



4.     Dr Clarence Mini Titanium Award for Young Achiever

Entrants will be adjudicated according to the following criteria:

1. Nominees must be 35 years of age or younger, in the year in which the award is made.

2. Previous winners are not eligible.

3. Nominees can work in any sector within the healthcare industry in the Africa region.

4. Nominees must be available to be an ambassador for the BHF and to promote the Young Achiever Forum within the healthcare industry.

5. Nomination must include a motivation detailing the outstanding achievements of the nominee and should cover the following areas:

  • Educational and practical achievements
  • Recognition of awards received
  • Contribution to social & economic development of the targeted population
  • Evidence of continued professional development, where applicable
  • Evidence of published papers and presentations delivered
  • Leadership ability of the nominee and his or her contribution to building the image of their organisation and the healthcare industry in general.

6. Entries must include written consent from the nominees.

7. Nominees must be available for an interview with the adjudication panel should this be requested.



5.     Titanium Award for Service to Membership: Open, Closed & Self-administered Medical Schemes, Administrators and Managed Care Organisations


1) Claims turnaround times, including age analysis
2) Appeals turnaround times, including age analysis
3) Number of complaints per 1000 beneficiaries
4) Member satisfaction survey results
5) Are your scheme benefits, appeal processes, medicine formularies & DSP arrangements accessible on your website or social platforms?
          a) Yes or no.
6) If yes, it must have been included in the organisation’s report , please share links as proof and state how these are communicated to beneficiaries.
7) Demonstrate measurable member engagement e.g. outreach calls, meetings or wellness days, etc. .


1) Percentage change in beneficiaries over the past three years :
          a) What is the composition of your management team?
          b) What is your organisation doing about transformation including skills development?

2) Proof of average increase in member contributions in the last three years
3) Is the medical scheme reserve’s ratio over 25%? Y/N
4) Does the scheme include risk based reserving in its management reports? Y/N
5) Does the scheme have a formal health governance programme in place?
          a) Y/N. If yes, provide proof of implementation
          b) Report on out-of-pocket payments by members included in management reports? Y/N (evidence required)
          c) Does the medical scheme monitor health status measures, e.g. mortality, life expectancy and quality of care? Y/N

6) Are preventative health care benefits in place?
          a) Yes or no. Demonstrate benefit uptake and improvement thereof.
          b) How does this compare to the BHF recommendations?
          c) Entrants are required to provide:
               i) A schedule detailing preventative healthcare benefits for comparison with the BHF preventative care recommendations.
               ii) A schedule detailing the funding of preventative healthcare benefits from risk.
               iii) A schedule detailing the primary care benefits offered from risk.

7) Does the scheme monitor the health and productivity impact of employees?
         a) Yes or no. If yes, attach a copy of the report.


Any medical scheme under curatorship will be disqualified automatically from this category.