BHF Dialogue 20/20 Series
We are excited to invite you to the first BHF Dialogue 20/20 series scheduled to take place on the 29th July 2020.
This session forms part of a six-series of virtual dialogue that seeks to connect the healthcare industry to enable engagement and facilitate collaboration on issues impacting the healthcare ecosystem now.
Our Broader Context
With the coronavirus outbreak, healthcare systems are facing an unprecedented global crisis, with infection rates increasing meteorically, with no end date in sight.
The pandemic has grown from local to global in a few months and this has accelerated opportunities for multisectoral collaboration and clinician teamwork, as many health systems lack the experience in handling global pandemics. It is clear; we are all in this together!
Theme Summary
The theme for the 1st Series: Reorganising our healthcare ecosystem – Putting the patient first.
As the number of lives impacted by COVID-19 continually increase in the continent, the pandemic consumes more medical resources. As such, efforts in the healthcare sector are to reorganise and sustain the ecosystem to meet the needs of the health citizens’ now.
Series 1 – 29 July 2020
This session consists of a multisectoral panel and will be facilitated by Dr Khama Rogo, Lead Health Sector Specialist, World Bank, and will address current concerns from each sector and innovative solutions on how we can balance priorities in a pressured and high-risk environment.

Series 2 – 4 August 2020
The theme of our second session is: Innovation driving healthcare delivery.
COVID-19 has evocatively revealed fundamental truths, illustrating just how vulnerable healthcare systems are, with era-defining strains on capacity and delivery. Most health systems cannot keep up with the demand, stretching operational limits, creating shortages of nearly everything: masks, gloves, ventilators, ICU beds etc.

Series 3 – 12 August 2020
The theme of our second session is: Perspective of leading women: on health – in Africa.
In celebration of women’s month, BHF is hosting a session to celebrate women as well as paying tribute to Health Workers in Africa. The session also focuses on three Inspiring Women – leading change, in their journey they have overcome numerous challenges to achieve their goals. The session will be facilitated by Ms Precious Matsoso, co-chair for Technical Group at the World Health Organisation and former DG of Health, South Africa.

Series 4 – 19 August 2020
The theme of our fourth webinar is: Embracing a digitally enabled ecosystem – joining the dots.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the helm of every aspect of our lives and progressing rapidly to transform ‘life-as-we-know it’, driven through out-of-the-box tech innovations, robotics and the IoT.
This session takes on a futuristic lens in exploring ways in which healthcare professionals can address healthcare challenges. This series will bring together tech and healthcare industry experts to engage on healthcare challenges and identify opportunities to leverage technology to resolve healthcare problem areas.
Among other issues, this webinar will also interrogate health and billing data and opportunities presented by AI in easing the administrative burden for healthcare professionals.

Series 5 – 2 September 2020
The theme of our fifth webinar is: A roadmap towards strengthening Africa’s healthcare systems – Universal Health Coverage ready and resilient.
COVID19 has exposed gaps in Africa’s health systems. Home to 1.3 billion people, the continent has had over one million cases, over 24 000 deaths and close to a million recoveries.
Preparing for the next pandemic has become a priority for many countries. How healthcare professionals, funders and policy makers approach this issue today, will impact on how each country moves towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

Series 6 – 9 September 2020
The theme of our sixth webinar is: Sustaining the ecosystem, with the health citizen at the core
COVID-19 has highlighted a lot of gaps with the various health systems. The big question facing the healthcare industry across the region and the world is: Where to from here?
Session Overview
The final series of our Dialogue 20/20 seeks to unpack the crucial question: Given the lessons learnt, what are the practical proactive steps in addressing gaps in the system? Are we going back to the drawing board?

Series 7 – 4 November 2020
The theme is ‘health systems strengthening is everybody’s business’.
At this session the panellists will share knowledge, best practice, examples and general insights on how the industry can proactively play a role in transforming the healthcare system using available resources and changing some of the operational practices.

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