2030 healthcare scenarios released on the state of South Africa’s healthcare as NHI unfolds
31 July 2019: South Africa: Scenario planner and strategist, Chantell [...]
31 July 2019: South Africa: Scenario planner and strategist, Chantell [...]
25 July 2019: Cape Town, South Africa: Exceptional professionals and [...]
24 July 2019, Cape Town, South Africa: Though the public [...]
24 July 2019, Cape Town, South Africa: Though the public [...]
23 July 2019: Cape Town, South Africa: Interventions aimed at [...]
17 July 2019: South Africa: The prescribed minimum benefits (PMB) [...]
Healthcare disparities and a way forward for the region’s [...]
Generic medicines use could save on costs, says industry [...]
Source: eHealthNews Managing Director at the Board of Healthcare Funders [...]