South African Health Journal 2023

The Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) is pleased to present the fourth edition of the Southern Africa Health Journal. While the breadth of topics is vast  – the common thread is ‘health system strengthening for the benefit of the health citizen’.

This edition of the South African Health Journal focusses on topical issues affecting the healthcare system, inter alia leveraging technology for cost-effective interventions; increasing access;and the importance of primary healthcare and how we can achieve this.

Key focus areas:

  • Primary Healthcare: Addressing financing reforms for universal health coverage
  • Leading Change: The importance of leadership and governance
  • Who is the primary healthcare practitioner really, and how can we use this resource to build capacity for the appropriate level of care?
  • ISO LESO NETWORK: Engaging new technologies in eye care.
  • Fostering a digitally enabled healthcare system  through health information exchange
  • A claims management forum and its role in GEMS’ financial turnaround and sustainability
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