Calls for Nominations
Author: National Deaprtment of Health (NDoH)
Source: National Deaprtment of Health (NDoH)
Department of Health invites professional nurses, registered midwiferies and registered nurses for nominations to fill vacancies.
The South African Nursing Council (SANC) is a statutory body established in terms of Section 2 of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) (“the Act”) to regulate the nursing profession in a bid to protect the interests of the healthcare users.
Nomination should be submitted for suitable candidates to be considered for appointment by the Honourable Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi to serve as Members of the SANC in terms of Section 5 of the Act, for a period of five (5) years with effect from 25 June 2018, in the following categories:
(a) Fourteen (14) Professional Nurses or Midwives registered in terms of Section 31(1)
(b) of the Act, taking into account their expertise in nursing education, nursing, community health, primary health care, occupational health and mental health;
(b) one person with special knowledge of the law;
(c) one person with special knowledge of financial matters;
(d) one person with special knowledge of pharmacy;
(e) one person with special knowledge of education;
(f) one person with knowledge of consumer affairs;
For any further enquiries regarding the submission of nominations, please contact:
Tel : 012 420 1094
Fax : 086 231 9094
Please click here to access the nomination form.