HFMU awards
As we join the global efforts to eradicate fraud, we are pleased to announce the launch of the inaugural healthcare fraud investigator of the year award and the investigative excellence of the year award. The awards are aimed at recognising individual and team healthcare investigator(s) that have demonstrated outstanding body innovations and body of work in investigating healthcare fraud. We are pleased to unveil the call for nominations criteria document. Please click here to access the nominations criteria document.
- The nominee’s employer must be registered with the BHF HFMU to be eligible to receive this award;
- The nominee must be an active participant in the BHF HFMU;
- The nomination must be made by the nominee organisation and approved by the head of that organisation or programme.
- The nominee must be the primary or lead investigator who completed the majority of the investigative tasks;
- Nominations must be for demonstrated results achieved by 30th September 2018;
The nominee must display strong ethical and professional values.
- Completed nomination form
- Detailed description of the initiative/Investigation
- Practical achievements of the project
- Proof of ethical conduct
- Healthcare impact
- Evidence of before and after effects of the project and/or investigation
To nominate a deserving candidate, please complete this nomination form.
- Entry in this category is open to individuals from more than one organisation who worked collaboratively on an investigation in the healthcare industry;
- At least one member of the investigating team must be a member of the HFMU
- The nomination must be made by at least one member of the investigative team, and the majority of the participants in the investigation must consent to the nomination and approved by at least two heads of the organisations that worked on the investigation.
- Nominations must be for demonstrated results achieved by 30th September 2018;
The nominee must display strong ethical and professional values.
The nomination must consist of a motivation coveting the following areas:
- Completed nomination form
- Complete list of active participants in the investigative effort.
- Executive Summary to include an overview of the case, investigative entities involved, time frame of the investigation, and significance of the investigative effort.
- Case overview – Discuss the overall case, any background information deemed significant, timeline of the investigation, any obstacles to overcome, and the results of the overall investigation.
- Significance – Outline of the value of the investigation had on the healthcare industry and community.
All nominations must be emailed to: hfmu@bhfglobal.com. For more information call the HFMU administrator, Nokuthula Mathunda on 011 537 0225.