Within the PCNS the unique identifier is the Practice code number which is allocated to all registered healthcare service providers who render a healthcare service in South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho.
The Practice Code Numbering System (PCNS) of BHF is a list of unique practice billing codes for providers of healthcare services in South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho.
The practice number, allocated to all registered healthcare providers is a legal requirement for the process of reimbursement of a claim to either a medical scheme member or service provider. This is in accordance with the requirement of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998 wherein it is stated that a medical scheme may only reimburse a member or a provider of relevant healthcare services for services rendered against a valid practice code number.
Access to unique identifiers that enables scheme administrators to identify the scope of practice for:
- Processing of claims
Access to a Unique identifier that enables the funders of healthcare services identification of the health professionals and services;
- Standardising the southern region identification
- Facilitating the processing of claims
- Risk management
- The fight against fraud, waste and abuse
The processing of:
- Applications
- Updates
- Upgrades